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Lord of the Fallen has three possible endings. This is normal for a Soulslike game like this. There are usually multiple endings and a rotating cast of potential bosses. Each ending revolves around a specific god or god-like being the player can choose to side with, and each has different implications for the future of Mornstead. Each ending also unlocks a new starting class for Lords of the Fallen that can be used in the next playthrough. The ending the player gets is determined by the decisions the player makes throughout the game, although it’s not always entirely clear which ending a particular decision will affect.

The story of Lords of the Fallen revolves around a conflict between two gods, Adil and Olias. Prior to the events of the game, the evil god Adil was banished to the Rogar Empire by Olias and his followers. These also built magical beacons to keep Adil in place. However, Adil’s corrupting power weakened the beacons and their holy guardians. Olias’ few surviving followers send the player character on a mission to purify the five sealed beacons, free Adil and finally kill him for good. To aid in this, they give the player character an Umbral Lamp, which allows them to switch between two separate but interlocking realms.

Lords Of The Fallen’s Radiant Ending

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Lords of the Fallen’s Glowing Ending is pretty much what other Soulslike games consider a “good” ending. The story ends as expected and the main objectives have been accomplished. However, certain questions remain unresolved and certain options may remain unexplored. It is also the easiest ending to unlock, achieved by simply completing the main tasks outlined in the game’s introduction. The character must travel to five corrupted beacons on the map, defeat the Colossal Sentinel boss guarding each one, and purify the beacon. Scavenging a single beacon binds the player to that ending, regardless of other choices.

Eventually, they storm Castle Bramis and wander its halls until they are confronted by Adil, who, in the form of a gnarled vine knot, tries to convince them that Olias’ followers are lying. They can go to the Rogar Empire to hear his story, but ultimately they must kill him. The Umbral Lamp absorbs Adil’s essence and takes over as Olias always intended to do. However, the player character will die during the absorption.

Completing Lords of the Fallen with a Radiant ending will unlock the Radiant Purifier starting class on your next playthrough. This is a high-damage battlemage class that focuses on light-based spells that use Radiance as a spell modifier.

Lords Of The Fallen’s Inferno Ending

Lords of the Fallen Review

The Inferno Ending is a “bad” ending in Lords of the Fallen in which the character sides with Adil against the followers of Olias, and is responsible for bringing death and destruction across the world. To unlock it, players can defeat as many giant bosses as they like, but do not scavenge the beacons guarding the bosses.

Next, they must retrieve Adil’s Runes from the altar near the Umbral Flowerbed during the Convent of the Holy Sisters. They must fight the Dark Fanatics and Andreas, Iron Traveler of Eb (if he is still alive), to take them. Depending on the order in which they completed the rest of the game, Andreas may have already obtained the runes. If so, they will find him later at the gates of Castle Bramis.

The player characters can bring the rune into the castle and after the boss fight The Divided Lords, activate the statue of Adil to enhance the rune with Adil’s living blood. With the new and improved rune, they should return to each of the still active beacons and use the rune to break Adil’s bonds. Eventually, they can return to Empyrean, where they may have fought the Judge Cleric earlier in the game. If not, they must do so now.

After she is defeated, she assumes her true form: the surprisingly human Judge Izel, who has always been somewhat sympathetic to Adil’s cause. The characters enter Judge Izel’s dream, where she runs an idyllic farm. She beckons them, and they use runes to give Adil control of her body. Adil is resurrected and rules the world once again.

In return for their efforts, Adil transforms the characters into Rogal Lords. This unlocks a new starting class, the Lord, who has powerful fire spells and is somewhat more robust than the average magic-inclined class. Lords also have a starting level of 23, the highest of any class in the game.

Lords Of The Fallen’s Umbral Ending

Lords of the Fallen Review | PCMag

It would be an exaggeration to call this the “true” ending of Lords of the Fallen, as it requires the sacrifice of several friendly and helpful NPCs. The Umbral Ending involves rejecting the other gods and calling on unexpected help. It is a lengthy process to unlock. The player must first avoid touching the beacon, then obtain the Umbral Sculling Clamp from Morph in Skyrest Bridge. This allows them to enter Mother’s Lull, a strange and dark realm that appears as a series of platforms. Remnants await, each with a mission. Completing each task unlocks the next platform.

The first three each reward the player character with a Seed Pod named after a different NPC (Damarose, Gerlinde, Melchior). Each of these should be used to kill the respective NPC to obtain Adyr’s Rune using one of the methods mentioned above. The final remnant of Mother’s Lull can be used to turn this into Adyr’s Withered Rune, which can be used to kill Andreas. Andreas has Harkyn’s Umbral Parasite, which can be used on the pillar in Morph’s room.

Finally, Morph will explain that to reveal her true form, the characters must remove the soul of one of her Guardians, Pieta. Do this and defeat the true final boss, Elion the Famished, to obtain her Umbral Parasite. This will finally open the path to Mother’s Lull.

Morph commits suicide with a seed capsule. This activates the final platform of Mother’s Lull, where the player character comes face to face with the Corrupted Mother. This strange creature appears to be composed only of deep blue, pupil-less eyes and a row of razor-sharp teeth. The Corrupted Mother takes the player character in her arms. The epilogue explains that the Corrupted Mother has torn the veil between the Axiom and Umbral realms, casting her shadow over what remains of the world. What that will be exactly is unclear, but it probably won’t be a happy one. This ending unlocks the starting class “Putrid Child”, which uses both Radiant and Inferno magic.

These are all the ways the story of Lords of the Fallen can end. None of them are traditionally happy endings, but the somber atmosphere that comes with them fits well with the dark tone of the game overall. Most of these end with the death of the player character, so none of them are the best choice. Instead, players will have to decide for themselves how to approach each situation on their first playthrough of Lords of the Fallen and see what ending it naturally leads to.

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